What I have learnt on my 30 day's of eating ANTI CANCER?
*Its impossible to only drink red wine
*Sugar is highly highly addictive, this was my toughest one!
*I don't need gluten in my life.
*My mood is amazing, I feel great! Its a few stabilised without the highs and lows of the sugar.
*There is sugar is EVERYTHING!!! Read your labels.
*I tried allot of new recipes by cooking and entertaining at home. Its been fun and way more engaging than eating out.
*Im pushing on for longer :-) …~After some dark chocolate~. haha
Im way happier than I have ever been and feel so much 'lighter' Yoga has been a breeze this month.
Only drinking red wine didn't last well. I stayed away from any processed juices, cocktails and additives and drank only clean vodka soda on the odd occasion or whiskey and water. Red wine alone is very rich...
I lost 2KG of weight and a few centimetres, but this wasn't my motive.
I learnt so much! Just talking to people at random about the pink hair piece and the anti-cancer month got allot of conversations rolling.
There is always something new to learn!!!

What I have learnt on my 30 day's of eating ANTI CANCER?
*Its impossible to only drink red wine
*Sugar is highly highly addictive, this was my toughest one!
*I don't need gluten in my life.
*My mood is amazing, I feel great! Its a few stabilised without the highs and lows of the sugar.
*There is sugar is EVERYTHING!!! Read your labels.
*I tried allot of new recipes by cooking and entertaining at home. Its been fun and way more engaging than eating out.
*Im pushing on for longer :-) …~After some dark chocolate~. haha
Im way happier than I have ever been and feel so much 'lighter' Yoga has been a breeze this month.
Only drinking red wine didn't last well. I stayed away from any processed juices, cocktails and additives and drank only clean vodka soda on the odd occasion or whiskey and water. Red wine alone is very rich...
I lost 2KG of weight and a few centimetres, but this wasn't my motive.
I learnt so much! Just talking to people at random about the pink hair piece and the anti-cancer month got allot of conversations rolling.
There is always something new to learn!!!
Great blog and post thanks for sharing remarkable and knowledge with us.