
As an athlete, I have always had a love for nutrition. I took a particular interest after my dad was  diagnosis with stage 4 melanoma and was sent to the United States to undergo an operation and T cell freezing there. I spent a month with him in Houston's Cancer Centre with top doctors and nutritionists and came to understand the importance of nutrition and the impact it has on ones health and the body. 
My dad was given 3 months to live and is now in remission for 5 years. He doesn't eat any refined sugar, flour and hormonal meat. 

With this understanding and me constantly googling nutritional advice,  I came to realise how much pseudo science and marketing there is regarding nutrition and ones diet. So what is correct???
Then I came across the GetSmarter and Sports Science Institute of SA Nutrition short course to set things straight for myself.

I highly recommend this course to anyone that has an interested in nutrition. Module 1 starts off with 'how to tell the difference between pseudo and real health claims' and it covers all fields from child nutrition to the elderly, eating disorders, supplements etc.
The great thing about this course is that you can do online, in your own time, literally anywhere in the world, at a click of a button with video lectures and interaction with class mates and teachers.

What  I found particularly interesting in my studies was the  link between the gut and the brain.
The fact that the guts micro flora (probiotics) regulates the body's immune and stress response, appetite, weight, nutrient absorption. Therefore, what we eat  directly effects our Mind and body.

Me, loving the kitchen and cooking.
I came across sauerkraut (A simple fermented cabbage eaten mostly in Germany) and its amazing health benefits for the gut.

Below is a little recipe, as I now ferment my own sauerkraut without preservatives, unhealthy salts and the import costs.
Try it! Its addictive with braai, salads, wors etc.

half a cabbage.
2 Tbls Himalayan crystal salt

Chop cabbage, add salt, mix.
Leave to sweat for 2 hours.
Compress into jars, cover with a paper towel and leave to stand for 3 days on the window sill. After 3 days, compress and stab with a knife. Leave it for another week and repeat, then for a further 2 weeks and replace cap, refrigerate and boom. Good to go!

Here is the link to the course if anyone wants to give it a go.
GetSmarter and Sports Science Institute of SA Nutrition short course



  1. Amazing recipes! Try also the biomass of green bananas, is very healthy, prevents depression and diabetes! ;)


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